latest Publications

Below you can find a thematic bibliography that is meant to help us shape the boundaries of East Asian esotericism

Our list will be update regularly and is focused on books and articles in English, Chinese and Japanese published over the past five years or so. 

If you have any suggestions or would like us to include other works in the list, please let us know by email or in the comment box below.


Yoshinaga, Shin’ichi. 2021. “Western Esotericism and Its Influence.” In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions, edited by Erica Baffelli, Andrea Castiglioni and Fabio Rambelli. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Edited volumes spanning several themes

Ichiyanagi Hirotaka一柳廣孝. 2020. Kaii no hyōshō: media, okaruto, sabukaruchaa 怪異の表象空間―メディア・オカルト・サブカルチャー. Tokyo: Kokushokankōkai.

Kurita Hidehiko 栗田英彦, Tsukada Hotaka 塚田穂高, Yoshinaga S  hin’ichi 吉永進一 (eds.). 2019. Kingendai Nihon no minkan seishin ryōhō: fukashina/okaruto enerugii no shosō 近現代日本の民間精神療法:不可視な(ルビ:オカルト)エネルギーの諸相. Tokyo: Kokushokankōkai.

Lüddeckens, Dorothea, Philipp Hetmanczyk, Pamela E. Klassen, Justin B. Stein, eds. 2022. The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Medicine, and Health. London: Routledge. 

Self-cultivation and bodily practices

Iskra, Anna, Fabian Winiger, and David A. Palmer. 2020. “Remaking the Self: Spirituality, Civilization, the Chinese Quest to ‘Live Well’ in the Reform-Era.” In Handbook on Religion in China, edited by Stephan Feuchtwang. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Kurita Hidehiko. 2020. “The Political History of Meditation and Yoga in Japan.” In The Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies, edited by Suzanne Newcombe and Karen O’Brien-Kop. London: Routledge.

Sagli, Gry. 2008. “Learning and Experiencing Chinese Qigong in Norway.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 2: 545–566. 

Micollier, Évelyne. 2004. “Le qigong chinois. Enjeux économiques et transnationalisation des réseaux, pratiques et croyances.” Anthropologie et Sociétés 40. DOI: 10.7202/1038639ar. 

Micollier, Évelyne. 1996. “Entre science et religion, modernite et tradition, le discours pluriel des pratiquants du qigong.” In Soigner au pluriel. Essais sur le pluralisme médical, edited by Jean Benoist. Paris: Les Éditions Karthala. 

Stein, Justin B. 2019. “‘Universe Energy’: Translation and Reiki Healing in the Twentieth-Century North Pacific,” Asian Medicine 14.1: 81–103.

Stein, Justin B. 2017. “Hawayo Takata and the Circulatory Development of Reiki in the Twentieth Century North Pacific.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto.

Stein, Justin B. 2017. “Global Flows of Universal Energy? Aquatic Metaphors, Network Theory, and Modeling Reiki’s Development and Circulation in North America.” In Eastspirit: Transnational Spirituality and Religious Circulation in East and West, edited by Jørn Borup and Marianne Q. Fibiger. Leiden: Brill.

Victoria Ten. 2017. “Body and Ki in Gicheon: Practices of Self-Cultivation in Contemporary Korea.” PhD dissertation, Leiden University.

Victoria Ten and Robert Winstanley-Chesters. 2016. “New Goddesses at Paektu Mountain: Two Contemporary Korean Myths.” S/N Korean Humanities 2.1: 151–179. 

Victoria Ten. 2015. “Technologies of Self in Contemporary Korea: The Notion of Suryŏn (修練) in GiCheon (氣天).” British Association for Korean Studies 16: 77–97. 

Victoria Ten. 2015. “Encoding visual imagery of Ki Suryon exported to the West.” International Institute for Asian Studies, Newsletter 70: 8–9.

Psychical research, psychology and mind-cure

Cohen, Elliot. 2021. The Psychologisation of Eastern Spiritual Traditions: Colonisation, Translation and Commodification. London: Routledge. 

Harding, Christopher, Iwata Fumiaki, Yoshinaga Shin’ichi, eds. 2015. Religion and Psychotherapy in Modern Japan. London: Routledge.

Ichiyanagi Hirotaka 一柳廣孝. 2018. “Saiminjutsu to reijutsu no aida shinri kenkyū ōtō ran no bunseki o chūshin ni 催眠術と霊術のあいだ-「心理研究」応答欄の分析を中心に”. Saimingaku kenkyū 57.1–2: 14–21.

Zheng Guo 鄭國. 2018. Biandong shehuixia de xinyang fenhua Shanghai Lingxuehui yanjiu 變動社會下的信仰分化:上海靈學會研究. Beijing: Zhongguo shehuikexue chubanshe.

Wu Yu-chuan. 2018. “Techniques for Nothingness: Debate over the Comparability of Hypnosis and Zen in Early-Twentieth-Century Japan.” History of Science 56.4: 470–496.

Conspiracy theory

Takao Chizuko. 2018. “World War I, the Siberian Intervention, and Antisemitism: The Reception of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Japan.” In Russia’s Great War and Revolution in the Far East: Re-imagining the Northeast Asian Theater, edited by Shinji Yokote, Willard Sunderland and David Wolff. Bloomington: Slavica Publishers.

Tsuji Ryotarō. 2019. “The Role of Conspiracy Theory in the Aum Shinrikyo Incident.” In Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion, edited by Asbjorn Dyrendal, Egil Asprem and David G. Robertson. Leiden: Brill.

Esotericism and academia

Morrow, Avery. 2018. “Boundary Work in Japanese Religious Studies: Anesaki Masaharu on Religious Freedom and Academic Concealment.” Correspondences 6.2: 117–143.

Storm, Jason Ānanda Josephson. 2017. “Monsters of the Absolute: Inoue Enryō, the Task of Buddhist Philosophy, and the Haunted Borderlands of Post-Kantian Thought.” International Inoue Enryo Research 5: 1–21.

Storm, Jason Ānanda Josephson. 2019. “The Mystical ‘Occident’ or the Vibrations of Modernity in the Mirror of Japanese Thought.” In Spirits and Animism in Contemporary Japan, edited by Fabio Rambelli. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Esotericism and folk religion

Graham, Fabian. 2020. Voices from the Underworld: Chinese Hell Deity Worship in Contemporary Singapore and Malaysia. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Tsujimoto, Yoshiki 辻本慶樹. 2018. Nichirosensōki no yōkai kaii: Kiseki’ zuishō no yakuwari 日露戦争期の妖怪・怪異 : 「奇跡」「瑞祥」の役割 (Yokai and strangeness in the Russo-Japanese War : On the Role of Miracles and Good Omens).” Naradaigaku daigakuin kenkyū nenpō 23: 39–49.

Victora Ten and Robert Winstanley-Chesters. 2020. New Goddesses on Mt. Paektu: Transformation, Myth and Gender in Korean Landscape. GiCheon (open access). 

Esotericism and the arts

Čapková, Helena. 2020. The Mystical Spirit of Japan – Stefan Łubieński and Transnational Artistic Networks in 1920s Japan. Studia Religiologica 53.1: 15–31.

Hayashida Ai 林田愛. 2019. Okaruto kagaku to sutorindoberi no seibutsu riron オカルト科学とストリンドベリの生物理論 (Sciences occultes et théorie du vivant chez Strindberg). Keiōgijukudaigaku Hiyoshi kiyō furansugo Furansu bungaku 69: 49–71.

Goto-Jones, Chris. 2016. Conjuring Asia: Magic, Orientalism, and the Making of the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Esotericism and the media

Horie Norichika 堀江 宗正 2019. Poppu supirichuariti: Media-ka sareta shūkyōsei ポップ・スピリチュアリティ: メディア化された宗教性. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten.

Ōmichi Haruka 大道晴香. 2016. “The ‘Itako’ as Mass Culture: The Occult Boom of the 1970s and 1980s” (translated by Ioannis Gaitanidis). Journal of Religion in Japan 5.1: 22–46.

New Age

Farrelly, Paul J. 2019. “Terry Hu Writing Her Transition from Actor to New Age Authority in Taiwan.” Asian Ethnology 78.1: 53–73.

Takahashi Naoko 高橋直子. 2019. Okaruto bangumi was naze kieta no ka: Chōnōryoku kara supirichuaru made no media bunseki オカルト番組はなぜ消えたのか 超能力からスピリチュアルまでのメディア分析 (Why did occult programs disappear? A media analysis from the supernatural to the spiritual). Tokyo: Seikyūsha.

Woo, Hairan. 2018. The New Age Movement in South Korea: Development and Scope. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 9.1: 20–30.


Ozawa Minoru 小澤実, ed. 2017. Dai Nihon no nise-shi gensetsu : Rekishi katari no interekuchuaru hisutorī 代日本の偽史言說 : 歴史語りのインテレクチュアル・ヒストリー (Parahistorical discourse in Modern Japan: An intellectual history of historical narratives). Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan.

Theosophy in East Asia

Akai, Toshio. 2009. “Theosophical Accounts in Japanese Buddhist Publications of the Late Nineteenth Century: An Introduction and Select Bibliography.” Japanese Religions 34.2: 119–131.

Čapková, Helena. 2020. “A Brief History of the Theosophical Society in Japan in the Interwar Period.” The Journal of CESNUR 4.5: 3–26.

Yoshinaga Shin’ichi 吉永 進一. 2009. “Theosophy and Buddhist Reformers in the Middle of the Meiji Period: An Introduction.” Japanese Religions 34.2: 119–131.

Yoshinaga Shin’ichi. 2018. Kami Chigaku to bukkyō, makugavu~an to sono shūhen 神智学と仏教、マクガヴァンとその周辺 (Theosophy and Buddhism: About McGovern and others). Gendai shiso 46.16: 405–421.

Yoshinaga Shin’ichi. 2019. Daisetsu fusai to Kami Chigaku: Daisetsu eibun nikki to biatorisu shiryō o sanshō shite 大拙夫妻と神智学 : 大拙英文日記とビアトリス資料を参照して (The Daisetz and Theosophy: Based on an analysis of Suzuki’s English diary and Beatrice’s documents). Kōeki zaidanhōjin Matsugaoka bunko kenkyū nenpō 33: 1–24.


Hammerstrom, Erik J. 2015. The Science of Chinese Buddhism: Early Twentieth-Century Engagements. New York: Columbia University Press.


Junqueira, Luis F. B. “Revealing Secrets: Talismans, Healthcare and the Market of the Occult in Early Twentieth-century China.” Social History of Medicine 34.4.